
What You’d Really Like to Know About Me…

Hello and welcome to this space! To get to know me a bit better I thought I’d answer some interesting questions – I found a list online and I put the numbers in a random generator and whichever numbers came up are the questions I’m going to answer. I’ll put the link to the list below in case you want to check it out too.
This is just a bit of fun but a cute way to get to know me better! I love lists like this and actually look them up from time to time so the next time I have conversations with friends, family or even new people I know I’ll be meeting, I’ll have some unique or interesting questions to ask.

Here we go!

Questions –

  • Do you live by any particular mantra?

    ‘Never say never’

    I have adopted this as my mantra or something I say because throughout my life I have learned that nothing turns out the way you think or expect. I had a very set idea of what I thought would be the timeline and ‘look’ of my life.
    None of it happened the way I had imagined and lots of things didn’t happen that I thought. Lots of things did happen that I thought never would. Thus, why I like to say never say never!

    This isn’t a bad thing though, events in my life have so far turned out (for the most part) pretty wonderful!

  • Are you good at solving puzzles?

    Not particularly! Picture puzzles I can do (my method is to do the border first then try and fill in the rest from there). When it comes to logic puzzles, riddles, etc though, I tend not to be able to think outside the box.
    I do enjoy a puzzling Nancy Drew computer game however! Nostalgic and fun.

  • What do you think it means to be healthy?

    For me it means being able to do the activities I like to do (hiking/walking, jogging, acrobatics class) and keep my hormones in check and have a consistent menstrual cycle. This hasn’t always been the case (and sometimes still isn’t) but that’s a story for another time!

  • What do you think the worst smell is?

    Mouldy smells, too much onion or garlic (it gives me a headache?!) and rotting stuff.

  • What’s the quickest way someone can lose your trust?

    Telling me that they’ll do something and not following through with it.

  • Describe your perfect day

    Wake up from a good sleep, go for a jog, come back and get dressed in a cute outfit and go get a chai latte with my husband. Then spend the rest of the day pottering around and relaxing (most likely reading, playing around with flowers or watching homestead builds on YouTube) before eating a delicious dinner of soup. Then eating snacks curled up on the couch or beanbag. I would then go to bed and have a really good night’s sleep.
    Additions would be seeing some friends and maybe doing a night walk if it’s a full moon.
    I’m very easy to please!
  • How do you express your love for someone?

    Give them food! 😛 and make sure they have all the things they want and need and like. My husband can attest to this – I am constantly buying him little treats (usually croissants, bubble tea or special food items I know he loves), making sure that our fridge and pantry are stocked with his favourites and generally just making sure he’s comfortable. I think I get annoying sometimes because I constantly ask if he needs anything, can I get him anything or can I do anything for you?

    I think in terms of Love Languages that’s a mix of acts of service and gift giving!

  • When was the last time you made a prank call?

    Can honestly say I have never prank called anyone nor ever had the desire to do that. I think it’s really rude and inconvenient for the recipient!

  • Who do you admire most and why?

    I come from a long line of strong women who fought hard to make good lives for their families. My mum, my Nanna, my female ancestors that came before. One of the family names literally means ‘brave, strong or hardy’ and on the coat of arms is a lion. I’d say these women lived up to that and for that I admire them.
    Especially my mum though. My first friend <3

  • What’s the most relaxing part of your day?

    It depends on the day, but I mostly feel relaxed at the end of the day when I know all the tasks from said day are completed. I know I don’t have any obligations left to uphold and that is when I feel I can actually relax. This is also the time when I have my favourite snacks and switch my brain off by mindlessly watching TT or Instagram or YouTube videos.
    I will sit in my beanbag (see picture at end of post) surrounded by my snacks, headphones in and I’ll be zoned out.

  • What is one thing you think most people have and never appreciate enough?

    The love, trust and friendship of others in your life.
    We can all tend to take for granted those around us in our family or friend circle.

  • What is the weirdest thing in your home?

    Not weird per se but we purchased a jumbo xl beanbag, and it took us 18 1/2 bags of foam beans to fill it! This thing is a monster, but we love it. The coziest thing ever! I call it my nest.

* * * *

As promised, here is the link for the list of questions that I used.

Until next time lovelies,

Amber xx

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